Being in my comfort zone is like being in a warm blanket while wearing my favorite jeans and a t-shirt that I love, while reading a good book or watching a favorite TV show.  I might not be accomplishing anything that will change the world but for that moment I am content.  In that moment the world seems predictable and calm.

Change on the other hand takes me out of my comfort zone.  I don't know what will happen next and it is about as comfortable as jumping off a cliff into a river.  I am not a jump off anything into water kind of person.  I prefer to use the ladder to get into a pool and I walk carefully into lakes and rivers.  Once I am in the water I love it, but jumping is just not my thing-maybe I should work on that sometime. 

Change is scary on many levels and for many reasons.  I am not sure why.  If we are on this earth to learn, grow and understand then it seems that I (or we) should embrace change even seek it out.  I try to seek it out but then I have a very uncomfortable feeling until my new habit or behavior becomes my new normal.  I worry about both what will happen if I succeed and if I fail. 

I recently read a book that recommends eating mostly vegetables and fruit.  Mostly no meat and grains.  The author asks for a 12 week commitment to the plan.  He makes bold claims for success and reduction in insulin.  That would really make weight loss easier.  I would like to have both weight loss and less need for insulin.  I don't know if my pancreas is able to handle even such a strict diet.  I am very unsure of his claims.  

Even taking my doubts into consideration I am sure that eating mostly vegetable will help me to get in better health and feel better.  I remind myself that I am the boss of me and can choose.  But I really want to take this challenge and be all in if I am going to do it.  I like the idea of doing exactly as he says.  Just to see if it works.  

The book is by Dr. Fuhrman and is The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live plan to End and Reverse Diabetes. (That is a link to amazon.  I am not an affiliate-just thought it was helpful.)  I read mine as the kindle edition.  I love the idea of eating until I am full.  I like not having to count points and such.  Some of the recipes even look like they taste good.  I like the fact that I can make my own food and do not have to rely on prepackaged foods or strange foods.  If I don't like something I don't have to eat it.  (Like beets).  

There are problems like, 
  • lots of fruit, especially breakfast-many of the recommendations are more fruit than my 30 grams of carbs allows.  
  • no animal products-no eggs for breakfast.  preferably no meat for the initial phase. 
  • beans-I like beans, but they raise my blood sugar.  I will need to watch that.  But they are easy to prepare and eat.  
  • no sugar, oil or salt.
  • I will miss breads and sweets.  I am reluctant to promise myself that I will not have bread and sweets for THREE MONTHS.  
There are good parts for example,
  • No counting of calories.
  • I can eat until I am full.
  • I will lose weight.
  • I have gone without sugar before and I know that I feel better when I do.  
  • Fruit is good and could become my new dessert. 
  • He claims that patients get off insulin.  I am skeptical but I can prove to myself that I did my part to see. 
  • There are meal plans in the book.  Some seem carb heavy but I can adapt them. 
I have been looking for a bold change.  I can adapt what doesn't work if I need to.  I will of course give myself permission to have sugar if I have a low blood glucose episode.  I will keep in good contact with my doctor to lower my insulin, if needed.  This feels like a big change, but learning and change are good especially if my outcome is like any of the people who were examples in the book.  This just upped the salad challenge to a new level.  

I will continue the hula hoop challenge and the 10 minutes on a bike after each meal.  I can do this.  Anyone want to join with me?

What will happen if I succeed?

If this works I will reach my goal weight of 132 lbs.  I like to reward myself for 20 pound successes and will note non-scale victories on this blog.  I will get new clothes along the way, it is exciting to imagine myself achieving that one.  I will figure out a plan to not break the bank as I am reducing my size. I have learned a bit about capsule wardrobes to help with this.  I will be brave enough to get rid of the clothes as the items become unwearable.  I will consider this part of the adventure good. 

If this works I will reduce or eliminate the need for insulin.  Although insulin is expensive and annoying that is not, by itself a reason to eliminate it.  In my own life it is a pain to plan around insulin dosing and blood sugar.  I believe that this plan will help me even out the highs and lows of my blood glucose 

I hope that I will have more energy and feel better.  I know when I eat better I feel better.  This will be true as follow this plan and it is successful 

What if I fail?
The first reason that I could fail is if I don't try to actually buy into the plan all the way.  If I cheat here and there.  Then I have not chosen to continue and that would create failure.  So assuming I completely commit to this plan this will not be the case.  The other potential pitfall in this area would be if I don't get proper support from my doctor as my medical needs change.  

The second reason it might fail it that this diet just doesn't work for me.  If I am all in and don't get the predicted results what am I out?  Not much of anything except time.  On the plus side, I will know that I tried my best and it did not work.  Learning how my body works is the most important part of this journey.  


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