
Showing posts from July, 2021
 Today I have been thinking about the concept of enough.  I am doing two things that make me consider enough.  The first is the continuous dejunking that I am doing.  Even thought I am taking it slow I need to figure out how much of everything I need and eliminate the rest.  I am working on that with some help from minimalist ideas and just looking at what I like and what I want to have in my home   The other part is food.  I am working to serve myself the right amount of food so that I will be a good weight.  I want enough  but I don't want to waste food but I don't want to be hungry either.   I will strive to understand this concept and learn to have enough.   I am also a bit perplexed because we learned that there are supply chain issues in 2020.  How much storage is appropriate.  Just something to think about.

100 Day Journey to a Better Me! Preparing

Time to start over.  It is almost 100 days until my birthday and I want to celebrate as a better me.  I have been considering my goals and what I would like to accomplish.  I am posting them here so I can get everything ready.   Eating plan: Eggs & overnight oats for breakfast Jarred salad for lunch Divided plate plan for dinner (1/4 starch, 1/4 protein, and 1/2 non-carb vegetables) Daily workouts-right now my knee hurts so I will work up my time as I can tolerate it due to the pain.  Drink enough water-6 glasses Read for school or for fun daily (I will graduate school during this challenge). Progress Pictures daily. (Took this from some else's challenge--feels a bit awkward but I will try.) Come Follow Me daily-this is family scripture study.  Here is a link Dejunking 1-100-This will include the house and the storage building.  I may end up dejunking areas or boxes instead of counting objects.   Something creative e